Friday, October 13, 2006

World Markets Set Record Highs

From Japan to Mexico, major stockmarkets around the world notch closing highs and/or touch intra-day trading highs. Japanese stocks set things off as the NIKKEI 225 surges to close at its highest level since May. London’s FTSE 100 catapults to a five-year high on the back of runs by natural resources stocks and encouragement from US equities.

Wall Street's ambivalence to benign economic data and GE’s results fails to hold back investors, who nudge the major indices up on light volume. Buyers seem to outnumber profit-takers. It’s a week for the bulls.

The folio shrugs off PG’s fall in six straight trading sessions, the first for any folio stock, to set a record return for the week; it beats the previous record of 1.82%.

Index Return

NASDAQ 2.49%
Worst-known 1.97%
S&P 1.19%
Dow 0.93%

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