Let's get straight to it.
1. YOU'RE NOT FRUGAL: For instance, do you still want to go to business school when your family already runs a successful business? For what?
This indicates you don't have the mentality of frugality. And you can't be rich unless you're frugal.
2. YOU DON'T TAKE RISKS: Ever heard of anyone become a multimillionaire doing just a 9-to-5? Me neither.
Now, before you shoot me, not all risk takers become rich. But you'll never become one unless you take risks. Sorry.
The corollary to this sign is when you're afraid to fail.
3. YOU CONFORM: If you always want to fit in or be like everybody else, forget it. You'll never be rich. Ask Richard Branson. Or Mike Adenuga.
4. YOU DON'T READ: I've never come across any wealthy individual who hasn't stressed the importance of reading to creating wealth.
Jim Rohn, famous American author and motivational speaker, famously quipped that "Poor people have big TVs. Rich people have big libraries". Nuff said.
5. YOU'VE NEVER THOUGHT OF TURNING YOUR HOBBY OR PASSION INTO A BUSINESS: What do Oprah Winfrey (speaking), Arianna Huffington (blogging), and Oswald Boateng (tailoring) have in common?
Yup, you guessed it. They all turned their hobbies into multimillion dollar businesses.So what are YOU waiting for?
There you have the five signs.
So have i missed any other signs?
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