Saturday, November 17, 2007

Psssst....Know What Leadership Means?

Recently, the manager was reading a Fortune magazine special report on leadership. Well, there was nothing wrong with the piece, except it should have been a special report on "management", not leadership.

See, managing is quite different from leading. You can be a great leader, even if you suck at managing, but you cannot be a great manager if you cannot lead.

So here's the manager's ABCs of inspirational leadership in the twenty-first century. Master these basics and..... congratulations, your leadership development test has just begun.

- Learn to play Chess and speak more than one language

E - Expect and embrace criticisms

A - Admit your weaknesses, not your limitations

D - Decide, Delegate, and Discipline

E - Encourage individual failures and take blame for organizational failures

R - Recognize individual achievements and credit followers with organizational successes

S - Set challenging but achievable goals

H - Humor will get you a long way

I - Institutionalize communication up and down the chain

P - Practice what you preach

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